Crawling rules

One of the most important traits that a web crawler must fulfill is the politeness towards every domain it will crawl. Politeness is achieved by applying some rules regarding:

  • Number of requests per unit of time to the website
  • Respecting the will of the domain about allowed sub-domains and links to follow
  • Respect the website behavior, expressed by HTTP responses to each call

Conceptually it's a set of well-manner rules, would you ever enter in a stranger's house and start opening all his rooms, fridges and wardrobes or hell, use their bathroom without asking? The least that can happen is that you'll end up banned with a restraining injunction towards that place. And it's exactly what happens with web crawlers that do not respect well-manner rules.

Generally most domains put a file named robots.txt in the root of their website which contains these rules, meant exactly for web crawlers and bots, sometimes general rules, sometimes targeted rules based on the user-agent of the crawler, sometimes both:

User-agent: badbot
Disallow: /             # Disallow all

User-agent: *
Allow: */bar/*
Disallow: */baz/*
Crawl-delay: 2          # 2 seconds of delay between each call

In this example we can see the webadmin specified a targeted rule for "badbot" which disallow the crawling for the entire domain, and a general rule for everyone which apply a crawling delay of two seconds between HTTP calls.

Our crawler already supports a simple directive regarding the number of requests per unit of time, in the form of a politenessDelay, but we can do better, we're going to add a new object specifically responsible of the managing of these rules, we expect it to:

  • Be able to fetch the robots.txt file, if any
  • Be able to parse robots.txt files
  • Be able to calculate a good delay between calls, taking into consideration robots rules, the politeness delay and the response time of each call
  • Tell us if a domain is allowed to be crawled

Parsing robots.txt is a simple but a tedious job, offers nice APIs to manage these rules efficiently, thus our struct will carry a robotstxt.Group pointer, the other member will be the politenessDelay we previously used as delay between calls on crawler.go.
The test suite should be straight-forward to write, let's start simple, just a simple server mock with a fake robots.txt path to be parsed.


// Package crawler containing the crawling logics and utilities to scrape
// remote resources on the web
package crawler

import (


const userAgent = "test-agent"

var f = fetcher.New(userAgent, nil, 10*time.Second)

func serverMock() *httptest.Server {
    handler := http.NewServeMux()
    handler.HandleFunc("/robots.txt", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        _, _ = w.Write([]byte(
            `User-agent: *
    Disallow: */baz/*
    Crawl-delay: 2`,
    server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
    return server

func serverWithoutCrawlingRules() *httptest.Server {
    handler := http.NewServeMux()
    handler.HandleFunc("/foo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
    return server

func TestCrawlingRules(t *testing.T) {
    server := serverMock()
    defer server.Close()
    serverURL, _ := url.Parse(server.URL)
    r := NewCrawlingRules(100*time.Millisecond)
    testLink, _ := url.Parse(server.URL + "/foo/baz/bar")
    if !r.Allowed(testLink) {
        t.Errorf("CrawlingRules#IsAllowed failed: expected true got false")
    r.GetRobotsTxtGroup(f, userAgent, serverURL)
    if r.Allowed(testLink) {
        t.Errorf("CrawlingRules#IsAllowed failed: expected false got true")
    if r.CrawlDelay() != 2*time.Second {
        t.Errorf("CrawlingRules#CrawlDelay failed: expected 2 got %d", r.CrawlDelay())

func TestCrawlingRulesNotFound(t *testing.T) {
    server := serverWithoutCrawlingRules()
    defer server.Close()
    serverURL, _ := url.Parse(server.URL)
    r := NewCrawlingRules(100*time.Millisecond)
    if r.GetRobotsTxtGroup(f, userAgent, serverURL) {
        t.Errorf("CrawlingRules#GetRobotsTxtGroup failed")

Our CrawlingRules, for now, will handle just a single domain, so it'll be logically instantiated each time we want to crawl a domain, in the crawlPage method. This implies that the object will be shared between multiple concurrent workers, we need to make it thread-safe with a mutex, Go offers two mutex types:

  • sync.Mutex the classical mutex lock, mutual exclusion of read and write operations, once hold the lock, no one can actually access the critical part of the guarded code
  • sync.RWMutex this is a little more relaxed, offers the possibility to lock either for read or for write operations, based on the rationale that only writes bring changes, it makes possible to have unlimited read-lock, but just only one write-lock, and no one can access the critical part if a write lock is hold, till the release

We choose the sync.RWMutex, as we mentioned earlier, we want also to take into account the server reactions towards our requests, beside the status code, the first metric that we want to mix-in in the crawling rules is the response time, and that's exactly where we want to guard against concurrent access, after each call we'd like to update the last call delay, but also let other workers access it if needed to delay their next call, so we're going to need a full lock on update (write) and just a read lock on read.

The CrawlingRules object as we designed it will expose four methods:

  • GetRobotsTxtGroup(f Fetcher, userAgent string, domain *url.URL) bool, tries to retrieve the robots.txt file and parse it from the domain root, return true if a valid file is found
  • Allowed(url *url.URL) bool, return the validity of an URL according to the rules, true means that it can be crawled
  • UpdateLastDelay(lastResponseTime time.Duration) just update the last delay according with the latest response time
  • CrawlDelay() time.Duration return the crawling delay to be applied for the next HTTP call


// Package crawler containing the crawling logics and utilities to scrape
// remote resources on the web
package crawler

import (



// Default /robots.txt path on server
const robotsTxtPath string = "/robots.txt"

// CrawlingRules contains the rules to be obeyed during the crawling of a single
// domain, including allowances and delays to respect.
// There are a total of 3 different delays for each domain, the robots.txt has
// always the precedence over the fixedDelay and the lastDelay.
// If no robots.txt is found during the crawl, a random delay will be calculated
// based on the response time of the last request, if a fixedDelay is set, the
// major between a random value between 1.5 * fixedDelay and 0.5 * fixedDelay
// and the lastDelay will be chosen.
type CrawlingRules struct {
    // temoto/robotstxt backend is used to fetch the robotsGroup from the
    // robots.txt file
    robotsGroup *robotstxt.Group
    // A fixed delay to respect on each request if no valid robots.txt is found
    fixedDelay time.Duration
    // The delay of the last request, useful to calculate a new delay for the
    // next request
    lastDelay time.Duration
    // A RWmutex is needed to make the delya calculation threadsafe as this
    // struct will be shared among multiple goroutines
    rwMutex sync.RWMutex

// NewCrawlingRules creates a new CrawlingRules struct
func NewCrawlingRules(fixedDelay time.Duration) *CrawlingRules {
    return &CrawlingRules{fixedDelay: fixedDelay}

// Allowed tests for eligibility of an URL to be crawled, based on the rules
// of the robots.txt file on the server. If no valid robots.txt is found all
// URLs in the domain are assumed to be allowed, returning true.
func (r *CrawlingRules) Allowed(url *url.URL) bool {
    if r.robotsGroup != nil {
        return r.robotsGroup.Test(url.RequestURI())
    return True

// GetRobotsTxtGroup tryes to fetch the robots.txt from the domain and parse
// it. Returns a boolean based on the success of the process.
func (r *CrawlingRules) GetRobotsTxtGroup(f Fetcher, userAgent string, domain *url.URL) bool {
    u, _ := url.Parse(robotsTxtPath)
    targetURL := domain.ResolveReference(u)
    // Try to fetch the robots.txt file
    _, res, err := f.Fetch(targetURL.String())
    if err != nil || res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
        return false
    body, err := robotstxt.FromResponse(res)
    // If robots data cannot be parsed, will return nil, which will allow access by default.
    // Reasonable, since by default no robots.txt means full access, so invalid
    // robots.txt is similar behavior.
    if err != nil {
        return false
    r.robotsGroup = body.FindGroup(userAgent)
    return r.robotsGroup != nil

Here is where we need the Fetcher once again, in GetRobotsTxtGroup it's used to retrieve the robots.txt, generally located in the root at domain:port/robots.txt.

The crawling delay can be designed in a moltitude of ways, we opt for a way that should favor the server reaction time over the politenessDelay that's configured at the start of the application, basically following this formula (Python):

delay = max(random.randrange(politeness_delay*0.5, politeness_delay*1.5), robotstxt_delay, last_response**2)

The maximum value between

  • robots.txt delay
  • power of 2 of last response delay in seconds
  • random value x for politenessDelay * 0.5 <= x <= politenessDelay * 1.5


// CrawlDelay return the delay to be respected for the next request on a same
// domain. It chooses from 3 different possible delays, the most important one
// is the one defined by the robots.txt of the domain, then it proceeds
// generating a random delay based on the last request response time and a
// fixed delay set by configuration of the crawler.
// It follows these steps:
// - robots.txt delay
// - delay = random 0.5*fixedDelay and 1.5*fixedDelay
// - max(lastResponseTime^2, delay, robots.txt delay)
func (r *CrawlingRules) CrawlDelay() time.Duration {
    defer r.rwMutex.RUnlock()
    var delay time.Duration
    if r.robotsGroup != nil {
        delay = r.robotsGroup.CrawlDelay
    // We calculate a random value: 0.5*fixedDelay < value < 1.5*fixedDelay
    randomDelay := randDelay(int64(r.fixedDelay.Milliseconds())) * time.Millisecond
    baseDelay := time.Duration(
        math.Max(float64(randomDelay.Milliseconds()), float64(delay.Milliseconds())),
    ) * time.Millisecond
    // We return the max between the random value calculated and the lastDelay
    return time.Duration(
        math.Max(float64(r.lastDelay.Milliseconds()), float64(baseDelay.Milliseconds())),
    ) * time.Millisecond

// SetDelay just pow(2) the lastTime response in seconds and set it as the
// lastDelay value
func (r *CrawlingRules) UpdateLastDelay(lastResponseTime time.Duration) {
    r.lastDelay = time.Duration(
        math.Pow(float64(lastResponseTime.Seconds()), 2.0),
    ) * time.Second

// Return a random value between 1.5*value and 0.5*value
func randDelay(value int64) time.Duration {
    if value == 0 {
        return 0
    max, min := 1.5*float64(value), 0.5*float64(value)
    return time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(max-min)) + int64(max))

We should update crawler.go file with the crawling rules to be applied during the crawling process of a domain, in the crawlPage private function. What we need to do is:

  • Create a CrawlingRules object before the start of crawling loop
  • At the skip check (for already visited links) we add also the allowance check
  • We use the call CrawlingRules#CrawlDelay to set the sleeping time on each worker goroutine
  • We make use of the response time of the Fetcher#FetchLinks call to update the last call delay on the crawling rules
func (c *WebCrawler) crawlPage(rootURL *url.URL, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ctx context.Context) {
    // Just a kickstart for the first URL to scrape
    linksCh <- []*url.URL{rootURL}
+   // We try to fetch a robots.txt rule to follow, being polite to the
+    // domain
+    crawlingRules := NewCrawlingRules(c.settings.PolitenessFixedDelay)
+    if crawlingRules.GetRobotsTxtGroup(c.linkFetcher, c.settings.UserAgent, rootURL) {
+        c.logger.Printf("Found a valid %s/robots.txt", rootURL.Host)
+    } else {
+        c.logger.Printf("No valid %s/robots.txt found", rootURL.Host)
+    }
    // Every cycle represents a single page crawling, when new anchors are
    // found, the counter is increased, making the loop continue till the
    // end of links
    for !stop {
        select {
        case links := <-linksCh:
            for _, link := range links {
                // Skip already visited links or disallowed ones by the robots.txt rules
-                if seen[link.String()] {
+                if seen[link.String()] || !crawlingRules.Allowed(link) {
                    atomic.AddInt32(&linkCounter, -1)
                seen[link.String()] = true
                // Spawn a goroutine to fetch the link, throttling by
                // concurrency argument on the semaphore will take care of the
                // concurrent number of goroutine.
                go func(link *url.URL, stopSentinel bool, w *sync.WaitGroup) {
                    defer w.Done()
                    defer atomic.AddInt32(&linkCounter, -1)
                    // 0 concurrency level means we serialize calls as
                    // goroutines are cheap but not that cheap (around 2-5 kb
                    // each, 1 million links = ~4/5 GB ram), by allowing for
                    // unlimited number of workers, potentially we could run
                    // OOM (or banned from the website) really fast
                    semaphore <- struct{}{}
                    defer func() {
-                       time.Sleep(c.settings.PolitenessFixedDelay)
+                        time.Sleep(crawlingRules.CrawlDelay())
                    // We fetch the current link here and parse HTML for children links
                    responseTime, foundLinks, err := fetchClient.FetchLinks(link.String())
+                    crawlingRules.UpdateLastDelay(responseTime)
                    if err != nil {

Before giving the usual check on unit tests, hoping that nothing has been broken, we can also update the crawler unit tests with some more test cases, to make sure that our CrawlingRules object do his job correctly:


func serverMockWithRobotsTxt() *httptest.Server {
    handler := http.NewServeMux()
    handler.HandleFunc("/robots.txt", resourceMock(
        `User-agent: *
    Disallow: */test
    Crawl-delay: 1`,
    handler.HandleFunc("/", resourceMock(
            <link rel="canonical" href="" />
            <img src="/baz.png">
            <img src="/stonk">
            <a href="foo/bar/baz">
    handler.HandleFunc("/foo/bar/baz", resourceMock(
            <link rel="canonical" href="" />
            <link rel="canonical" href="/foo/bar/test" />
            <img src="/baz.png">
            <img src="/stonk">
    handler.HandleFunc("/foo/bar/test", resourceMock(
            <link rel="canonical" href="" />
            <img src="/stonk">
    server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
    return server

func TestCrawlPagesRespectingRobotsTxt(t *testing.T) {
    server := serverMockWithRobotsTxt()
    defer server.Close()
    testbus := testQueue{make(chan []byte)}
    results := make(chan []ParsedResult)
    go func() { results <- consumeEvents(&testbus) }()
    crawler := New("test-agent", &testbus, withCrawlingTimeout(100*time.Millisecond))
    res := <-results
    expected := []ParsedResult{
            []string{"", server.URL + "/foo/bar/baz"},
            server.URL + "/foo/bar/baz",
            []string{server.URL + "/foo/bar/test"},
    if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, expected) {
        t.Errorf("Crawler#Crawl failed: expected %v got %v", expected, res)

Now this should be the result of every unit test written so far:

go test -v ./...
=== RUN   TestCrawlPages
crawler: 2020/11/16 19:21:30 No valid found
crawler: 2020/11/16 19:21:31 Crawling done
--- PASS: TestCrawlPages (1.20s)
=== RUN   TestCrawlPagesRespectingRobotsTxt
crawler: 2020/11/16 19:21:32 Crawling done
--- PASS: TestCrawlPagesRespectingRobotsTxt (1.21s)
=== RUN   TestCrawlPagesRespectingMaxDepth
crawler: 2020/11/16 19:21:32 No valid found
crawler: 2020/11/16 19:21:33 Crawling done
--- PASS: TestCrawlPagesRespectingMaxDepth (1.07s)
=== RUN   TestCrawlingRules
--- PASS: TestCrawlingRules (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCrawlingRulesNotFound
--- PASS: TestCrawlingRulesNotFound (0.00s)
ok      webcrawler    (cached)
=== RUN   TestStdHttpFetcherFetch
--- PASS: TestStdHttpFetcherFetch (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestStdHttpFetcherFetchLinks
--- PASS: TestStdHttpFetcherFetchLinks (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGoqueryParsePage
--- PASS: TestGoqueryParsePage (0.00s)
ok      webcrawler/fetcher    (cached)
?       webcrawler/messaging    [no test files]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""