The crawling logic

We're at the core logic of the web crawler, the algorithm is simple but we have to define some rules and settings to manage the crawling process and also to cover up some corner cases as well. For example what to do if we're making too many calls to the server? What if the response time gets higher at every call? How to decide the user-agent to adopt for each call? These are only some of the questions that arises during the design of our crawler.

Crawling settings

Let's start simple by creating a struct carrying a state in the form of crawling settings, defining the behavior of the crawler.

What we want to be able to configure is:

  • fetchTimeout, the number of (m)s to wait before declaring the link unreachable if it's hanging
  • crawlTimeout, the number of (m)s to wait after the last link we found in the last crawled page, after which we declare the crawling done
  • politenessDelay, the number of (m)s to wait after an HTTP request before making another under the same domain
  • maxDepth, the number of level to crawl through a domain tree, some sites can be several levels deep, it comes handy set a limit in this terms
  • maxConcurrency, the number of concurrent worker goroutines that may run during the crawling process of a domain, this is utmost important
  • userAgent, the user-agent that we declare on every HTTP request header, this is also an important setting, being polite when crawling a domain allow the server to know who's visiting every link and also define some "rules of the house" to be applied in order to avoid being banned

Limiting the concurrency

Setting an upper limit on the number of concurrent goroutines is vital in this applications and generally that limit isn't even that high, some robots.txt (those "rules of the house" defined by the domain) often set a politeness delay of over 1 min, or you start receive lot of 429: Too many requests responses or 503: Service unavailable with a Retry-After header set. This makes harder than it seems to write a good crawling algorithm, in this case we start simple by setting a fixed politeness delay and a concurrency limit, going incremental we'll try to implement some sort of heuristic to take into account the response time of each call to adjust the delay and also the robots.txt rules if present.

The other concerns about letting unlimited concurrency are the most known regarding the resources of the host machine:

  • goroutines are cheap and can be spawned in millions, each goroutine has a memory cost around 2-5 Kbs, clearly those millions would put a toll in terms of memory usage
  • the number of opened state file descriptors grows really fast, under Linux without increasing it with ulimit n the limit is reached pretty fast as every TCP connection relies on a socket; this is especially true if the crawler needs also to maintain a pool of connections to a DB or store data on disk


// Package crawler containing the crawling logics and utilities to scrape
// remote resources on the web
package crawler

import (


const (
    // Default fetcher timeout before giving up an URL
    defaultFetchTimeout time.Duration = 10 * time.Second
    // Default crawling timeout, time to wait to stop the crawl after no links are
    // found
    defaultCrawlTimeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
    // Default politeness delay, fixed delay to calculate a randomized wait time
    // for subsequent HTTP calls to a domain
    defaultPolitenessDelay time.Duration = 500 * time.Millisecond
    // Default depth to crawl for each domain
    defaultDepth int = 16
    // Default number of concurrent goroutines to crawl
    defaultConcurrency int = 8
    // Default user agent to use
    defaultUserAgent string = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"

// Fetcher is an interface exposing a method to fetch resources, Fetch enable
// raw contents download.
type Fetcher interface {
    // Fetch makes an HTTP GET request to an URL returning a `*http.Response` or
    // any error occured
    Fetch(string) (time.Duration, *http.Response, error)

// LinkFetcher is an interface exposing a methdo to download raw contents and
// parse them extracting all outgoing links.
type LinkFetcher interface {
    // FetchLinks makes an HTTP GET request to an URL, parse the HTML in the
    // response and returns an array of URLs or any error occured
    FetchLinks(string) (time.Duration, []*url.URL, error)

// ParsedResult contains the URL crawled and an array of links found, json
// serializable to be sent on message queues
type ParsedResult struct {
    URL   string   `json:"url"`
    Links []string `json:"links"`

// CrawlerSettings represents general settings for the crawler and his
// dependencies
type CrawlerSettings struct {
    // FetchTimeout is the time to wait before closing a connection that does not
    // respond
    FetchTimeout time.Duration
    // CrawlTimeout is the number of second to wait before exiting the crawling
    // in case of no links found
    CrawlTimeout time.Duration
    // Concurrency is the number of concurrent goroutine to run while fetching
    // a page. 0 means unbounded
    Concurrency int
    // Parser is a `fetcher.Parser` instance object used to parse fetched pages
    Parser fetcher.Parser
    // MaxDepth represents a limit on the number of pages recursively fetched.
    // 0 means unlimited
    MaxDepth int
    // UserAgent is the user-agent header set in each GET request, most of the
    // times it also defines which robots.txt rules to follow while crawling a
    // domain, depending on the directives specified by the site admin
    UserAgent string
    // PolitenessFixedDelay represents the delay to wait between subsequent
    // calls to the same domain, it'll taken into consideration against a
    // robots.txt if present and against the last response time, taking always
    // the major between these last two. Robots.txt has the precedence.
    PolitenessFixedDelay time.Duration

// WebCrawler is the main object representing a crawler
type WebCrawler struct {
    // logger is a private logger instance
    logger *log.Logger
    // linkFetcher is a LinkFetcher object, must expose Fetch and FetchLinks methods
    linkFetcher LinkFetcher
    // settings is a pointer to `CrawlerSettings` containing some crawler
    // specifications
    settings *CrawlerSettings

// New create a new Crawler instance, accepting a maximum level of depth during
// crawling all the anchor links inside each page, a concurrency limiter that
// defines how many goroutine to run in parallel while fetching links and a
// timeout for each HTTP call.
func New(userAgent string) *WebCrawler {
    // Default crawler settings
    settings := &CrawlerSettings{
        FetchTimeout:         defaultFetchTimeout,
        Parser:               fetcher.NewGoqueryParser(),
        UserAgent:            userAgent,
        CrawlTimeout:         defaultCrawlTimeout,
        PolitenessFixedDelay: defaultPolitenessDelay,
        Concurrency:          defaultConcurrency,
    crawler := &WebCrawler{
        logger:      log.New(os.Stderr, "crawler: ", log.LstdFlags),
        linkFetcher: fetcher.New(userAgent, settings.Parser, settings.FetchTimeout),
        settings:    settings,
    return crawler

// NewFromSettings create a new webCrawler with the settings passed in
func NewFromSettings(settings *CrawlerSettings) *WebCrawler {
    return &WebCrawler{
        logger:   log.New(os.Stderr, "crawler: ", log.LstdFlags),
        linkFetcher: fetcher.New(settings.UserAgent, settings.Parser, settings.FetchTimeout),
        settings: settings,

Note: as shown, we declared again two interfaces that we're going to need after the concrete implementation, also we want to maintain the separation between Fetcher and LinkFetcher interfaces in order to maintain single responsibilities to each component, and making it easier for clients to implement the interfaces, less is more.

As we can see, the number of settings is high and a little uncomfortable to manage with constructor functions, this is a good case to adopt an opt pattern, a common build pattern in Go, let's modify the New function:


// CrawlerOpt is a type definition for option pattern while creating a new
// crawler
type CrawlerOpt func(*CrawlerSettings)

// New create a new Crawler instance, accepting a maximum level of depth during
// crawling all the anchor links inside each page, a concurrency limiter that
// defines how many goroutine to run in parallel while fetching links and a
// timeout for each HTTP call.
func New(userAgent string, opts ...CrawlerOpt) *WebCrawler {
    // Default crawler settings
    settings := &CrawlerSettings{
        FetchTimeout:         defaultFetchTimeout,
        Parser:               fetcher.NewGoqueryParser(),
        UserAgent:            userAgent,
        CrawlTimeout:         defaultCrawlTimeout,
        PolitenessFixedDelay: defaultPolitenessDelay,
        Concurrency:          defaultConcurrency,
    // Mix in all optionals
    for _, opt := range opts {
    crawler := &WebCrawler{
        logger:      log.New(os.Stderr, "crawler: ", log.LstdFlags),
        linkFetcher: fetcher.New(userAgent, settings.Parser, settings.FetchTimeout),
        settings:    settings,
    return crawler

Now the constructor accepts optional parameters in the form of a factory function, this makes possible to customize the creation of the WebCrawler object:

// withConcurrency is a simple constructor option to pass into the
// crawler.New function call to set the concurrency level
func withConcurrency(concurrency int) crawler.CrawlerOpt {
    return func(s *crawler.CrawlerSettings) {
        s.Concurrency = concurrency
c := crawler.New("user-agent", withConcurrency(4))

Crawling a domain

The core of the crawler component, we want to export just one simple function that allows us to start the crawling process on one or more domains, practically we can see the application flow as a coordinator-helpers hierarchy consisting of two simple functions:

  • Crawl the only exported function, accepts a variadic number of URL strings and spawn a crawlPage goroutine for each of them
  • crawlPage private function, contains the core logic, for each URL in the queue extracts every link found and put them into the same queue, starting from the upper-most link passed in by the Crawl function

As we already seen, the problem is easily solved recursively, but Go provides us tools to avoid the use of recursion which is generally a prerogative of functional languages and those that provide tail-recursion optimization (see Scala, Haskell or Erlang for example).

We want to use an unbuffered channel as our queue for every new URL we want to crawl, this also allows to spawn a worker goroutine for each URL and push all extracted URLs in each page directly into the channel queue, governed by the main routine

In Go there're two distinct types of channels:

  • Unbuffered, they block until there's someone consuming on the other end of the channel
  • Buffered, these can be filled till the size declared during creation, before blocking.


// Crawl a single page by fetching the starting URL, extracting all anchors
// and exploring each one of them applying the same steps. Every image link
// found is forwarded into a dedicated channel, as well as errors.
// A waitgroup is used to synchronize it's execution, enabling the caller to
// wait for completion.
func (c *WebCrawler) crawlPage(rootURL *url.URL, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ctx context.Context) {
    // First we wanna make sure we decrease the waitgroup counter at the end of
    // the crawling
    defer wg.Done()
    var (
        // semaphore is just a value-less channel used to limit the number of
        // concurrent goroutine workers fetching links
        semaphore chan struct{}
        // New found links channel
        linksCh chan []*url.URL
        stop    bool
        depth   int
        // A map is used to track all visited links, in order to avoid multiple
        // fetches on the previous visited links
        seen    map[string]bool = make(map[string]bool)
        fetchWg sync.WaitGroup  = sync.WaitGroup{}
        // An atomic counter to make sure that we've already crawled all remaining
        // links if a timeout occur
        linkCounter int32 = 1
    // Set the concurrency level by using a buffered channel as semaphore
    if c.settings.Concurrency > 0 {
        semaphore = make(chan struct{}, c.settings.Concurrency)
        linksCh = make(chan []*url.URL, c.settings.Concurrency)
    } else {
        // we want to disallow the unlimited concurrency, to avoid being banned from
        // the ccurrent crawled domain and also to avoid running OOM or running out
        // of unix file descriptors, as each HTTP call is built upon a  socket
        // connection, which is in-fact an opened descriptor.
        semaphore = make(chan struct{}, 1)
        linksCh = make(chan []*url.URL, 1)
    // Just a kickstart for the first URL to scrape
    linksCh <- []*url.URL{rootURL}
    // Every cycle represents a single page crawling, when new anchors are
    // found, the counter is increased, making the loop continue till the
    // end of links
    for !stop {
        select {
        case links := <-linksCh:
            for _, link := range links {
                // Skip already visited links
                if seen[link.String()] {
                    atomic.AddInt32(&linkCounter, -1)
                seen[link.String()] = true
                // Spawn a goroutine to fetch the link, throttling by
                // concurrency argument on the semaphore will take care of the
                // concurrent number of goroutine.
                go func(link *url.URL, stopSentinel bool, w *sync.WaitGroup) {
                    defer w.Done()
                    defer atomic.AddInt32(&linkCounter, -1)
                    // 0 concurrency level means we serialize calls as
                    // goroutines are cheap but not that cheap (around 2-5 kb
                    // each, 1 million links = ~4/5 GB ram), by allowing for
                    // unlimited number of workers, potentially we could run
                    // OOM (or banned from the website) really fast
                    semaphore <- struct{}{}
                    defer func() {
                    // We fetch the current link here and parse HTML for children links
                    _, foundLinks, err := c.linkFetcher.FetchLinks(link.String())
                    if err != nil {
                    // No errors occured, we want to enqueue all scraped links
                    // to the link queue
                    if stopSentinel || foundLinks == nil || len(foundLinks) == 0 {
                    atomic.AddInt32(&linkCounter, int32(len(foundLinks)))
                    // Enqueue found links for the next cycle
                    linksCh <- foundLinks
                }(link, stop, &fetchWg)
                // We want to check if a level limit is set and in case, check if
                // it's reached as every explored link count as a level
                if c.settings.MaxDepth == 0 || !stop {
                    stop = c.settings.MaxDepth > 0 && depth >= c.settings.MaxDepth
        case <-time.After(c.settings.CrawlTimeout):
            // c.settings.CrawlTimeout seconds without any new link found, check
            // that the remaining links have been processed and stop the iteration
            if atomic.LoadInt32(&linkCounter) <= 0 {
                stop = true
        case <-ctx.Done():

// Crawl will walk through a list of URLs spawning a goroutine for each one of
// them
func (c *WebCrawler) Crawl(URLs ...string) {
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    // Sanity check for URLs passed, check that they're in the form
    // scheme://host:port/path, adding missing fields
    for _, href := range URLs {
        url, err := url.Parse(href)
        if err != nil {
        if url.Scheme == "" {
            url.Scheme = "https"
        // Spawn a goroutine for each URLs to crawl, a waitgroup is used to wait
        // for completion
        go c.crawlPage(url, &wg, ctx)
    // Graceful shutdown of workers
    signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {
    c.logger.Println("Crawling done")

Although crawlPage is admittedly a little complex and there's room for improvements, the flow is indeed simple and came out as a variation of the previously thought steps:

  1. enqueue start URL in the channel as a list of 1 element
  2. dequeue the link-list from the queue
  3. for each link in the list
    • check the ephemeral state of the crawling to see if we already have visited the URL
    • fetch HTML contents and extracts all links from the page
    • enqueue every found link into the channel queue
  4. goto 2

Go keyword defer postpone the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns.
Multiple defer calls are stacked in a LIFO way, so the latest function is executed first.

The select makes it a little harder to follow as it introduces asynchronicity in the flow, but the low number of branches, just two, makes it simple to understand: In the second branch it just starts a timer everytime "nothing happens" in the main channel queue, in other word if no links are found for a determined amount of time (crawlingTimeout) the loop gets interrupted and the crawling for that domain ends.

As of now however, it's difficult to unit-test, we have to find out a way to make the business logic less tied to the application and above all make it possible to forward crawling results to outside, so that external clients may use them without being tightly coupled with the crawler. That way it'd be possible to perform an opaque-box testing, without worrying of what's happening inside the crawling loop.

We've just added two additional .go files for the crawler package, one for unit tests and one for source, this the current project structure so far:

├── crawler.go
├── crawler_test.go
├── fetcher
│   ├── fetcher.go
│   ├── fetcher_test.go
│   ├── parser.go
│   └── parser_test.go
├── go.mod
└── go.sum

results matching ""

    No results matching ""