Init 1

Sol - An MQTT broker from scratch. Part 3 - Server

posted on 2019 Mar 06

This part deal with the implementation of the server part of our application, by using the network module we drafted on part-2 it should be relative easy to handle incoming commands from a MQTT clients respecting 3.1.1 standards as we defined on part 1.
Our header file will be extremely simple, the only function we want to make accessible from the outside will be a transparent start_server, accepting only two trivial arguments:

  • an IP address
  • a port to listen on

We will define also two constants for the epoll interface creation, the number of events we want to monitor concurrently and the timeout, two properties which could be easily moved to a configuration module for further improvements.


#ifndef SERVER_H
#define SERVER_H

 * Epoll default settings for concurrent events monitored and timeout, -1
 * means no timeout at all, blocking indefinitely
#define EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS    256
#define EPOLL_TIMEOUT       -1

/* Error codes for packet reception, signaling respectively
 * - client disconnection
 * - error reading packet
 * - error packet sent exceeds size defined by configuration (generally default
 *   to 2MB)
#define ERRCLIENTDC         1
#define ERRPACKETERR        2
#define ERRMAXREQSIZE       3

/* Return code of handler functions, signaling if there's data payload to be
 * sent out or if the server just need to re-arm closure for reading incoming
 * bytes
#define REARM_R             0
#define REARM_W             1

int start_server(const char *, const char *);


The implementation part will be a little bigger than expected, all our handler functions and callbacks will be contained here for now, so let’s start with the 3 basic callbacks that every server will need to effectively communicate with clients after it started listening:

  • an accept callback
  • a read callback to read events
  • a write callback to send out data

We will also forward declare some functions, mostly handlers and a mapping much like the one used to pack and unpack payloads on mqtt module, we took them as is, to make thing easier for the near-future developments.


Omitting includes to spare some space.

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
// -- Omitted includes

/* Seconds in a Sol, easter egg */
static const double SOL_SECONDS = 88775.24;

 * General informations of the broker, all fields will be published
 * periodically to internal topics
static struct sol_info info;

/* Broker global instance, contains the topic trie and the clients hashtable */
static struct sol sol;

 * Prototype for a command handler, it accepts a pointer to the closure as the
 * link to the client sender of the command and a pointer to the packet itself
typedef int handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);

/* Command handler, each one have responsibility over a defined command packet */
static int connect_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int disconnect_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int subscribe_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int unsubscribe_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int publish_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int puback_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int pubrec_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int pubrel_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int pubcomp_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);
static int pingreq_handler(struct closure *, union mqtt_packet *);

/* Command handler mapped using their position paired with their type */
static handler *handlers[15] = {

 * Connection structure for private use of the module, mainly for accepting
 * new connections
struct connection {
    char ip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
    int fd;

/* I/O closures, for the 3 main operation of the server
 * - Accept a new connecting client
 * - Read incoming bytes from connected clients
 * - Write output bytes to connected clients
static void on_read(struct evloop *, void *);
static void on_write(struct evloop *, void *);
static void on_accept(struct evloop *, void *);

 * Periodic task callback, will be executed every N seconds defined on the
 * configuration
static void publish_stats(struct evloop *, void *);

 * Accept a new incoming connection assigning ip address and socket descriptor
 * to the connection structure pointer passed as argument
static int accept_new_client(int fd, struct connection *conn) {
    if (!conn)
        return -1;
    /* Accept the connection */
    int clientsock = accept_connection(fd);
    /* Abort if not accepted */
    if (clientsock == -1)
        return -1;
    /* Just some informations retrieval of the new accepted client connection */
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
    if (getpeername(clientsock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrlen) < 0)
        return -1;
    char ip_buff[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
    if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.sin_addr, ip_buff, sizeof(ip_buff)) == NULL)
        return -1;
    struct sockaddr_in sin;
    socklen_t sinlen = sizeof(sin);
    if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, &sinlen) < 0)
        return -1;
    conn->fd = clientsock;
    strcpy(conn->ip, ip_buff);
    return 0;

 * Handle new connection, create a fresh new struct client structure and link
 * it to the fd, ready to be set in EPOLLIN event
static void on_accept(struct evloop *loop, void *arg) {
    /* struct connection *server_conn = arg; */
    struct closure *server = arg;
    struct connection conn;
    accept_new_client(server->fd, &conn);
    /* Create a client structure to handle his context connection */
    struct closure *client_closure = malloc(sizeof(*client_closure));
    if (!client_closure)
    /* Populate client structure */
    client_closure->fd = conn.fd;
    client_closure->obj = NULL;
    client_closure->payload = NULL;
    client_closure->args = client_closure;
    client_closure->call = on_read;
    hashtable_put(sol.closures, client_closure->closure_id, client_closure);
    /* Add it to the epoll loop */
    evloop_add_callback(loop, client_closure);
    /* Rearm server fd to accept new connections */
    evloop_rearm_callback_read(loop, server);
    /* Record the new client connected */
    sol_info("New connection from %s on port %s", conn.ip, conf->port);

As you can see, I defined two static functions (in C, while not strictly a correct use of the term, static functions can only be seen in the scope of the module of definition, almost like a private method of a class in OOP programming), the accept_new_client which by using functions from network module will be responsible of the “lower-level calls” accepting new connecting clients and the on_accept function, which will be the effective callback for accepting new connections (the latter will rely on the first function).

The accept_new_client function expects a struct connection that I added for convenience and for reuse of old code from another codebase of mine, not strictly necessary to follow this pattern.


 * Parse packet header, it is required at least the Fixed Header of each
 * packed, which is contained in the first 2 bytes in order to read packet
 * type and total length that we need to recv to complete the packet.
 * This function accept a socket fd, a buffer to read incoming streams of
 * bytes and a structure formed by 2 fields:
 * - buf -> a byte buffer, it will be malloc'ed in the function and it will
 *          contain the serialized bytes of the incoming packet
 * - flags -> flags pointer, copy the flag setting of the incoming packet,
 *            again for simplicity and convenience of the caller.
static ssize_t recv_packet(int clientfd, unsigned char *buf, char *command) {
    ssize_t nbytes = 0;

    /* Read the first byte, it should contain the message type code */
    if ((nbytes = recv_bytes(clientfd, buf, 1)) <= 0)
        return -ERRCLIENTDC;
    unsigned char byte = *buf;
    if (DISCONNECT < byte || CONNECT > byte)
        return -ERRPACKETERR;

     * Read remaining length bytes which starts at byte 2 and can be long to 4
     * bytes based on the size stored, so byte 2-5 is dedicated to the packet
     * length.
    unsigned char buff[4];
    int count = 0;
    int n = 0;
    do {
        if ((n = recv_bytes(clientfd, buf+count, 1)) <= 0)
            return -ERRCLIENTDC;
        buff[count] = buf[count];
        nbytes += n;
    } while (buff[count++] & (1 << 7));

    // Reset temporary buffer
    const unsigned char *pbuf = &buff[0];
    unsigned long long tlen = mqtt_decode_length(&pbuf);

     * Set return code to -ERRMAXREQSIZE in case the total packet len exceeds
     * the configuration limit `max_request_size`
    if (tlen > conf->max_request_size) {
        nbytes = -ERRMAXREQSIZE;
        goto exit;

    /* Read remaining bytes to complete the packet */
    if ((n = recv_bytes(clientfd, buf + 1, tlen)) < 0)
        goto err;
    nbytes += n;
    *command = byte;
    return nbytes;
    shutdown(clientfd, 0);
    return nbytes;


/* Handle incoming requests, after being accepted or after a reply */
static void on_read(struct evloop *loop, void *arg) {
    struct closure *cb = arg;

    /* Raw bytes buffer to handle input from client */
    unsigned char *buffer = malloc(conf->max_request_size);
    ssize_t bytes = 0;
    char command = 0;

     * We must read all incoming bytes till an entire packet is received. This
     * is achieved by following the MQTT v3.1.1 protocol specifications, which
     * send the size of the remaining packet as the second byte. By knowing it
     * we know if the packet is ready to be deserialized and used.
    bytes = recv_packet(cb->fd, buffer, &command);

     * Looks like we got a client disconnection.
     * TODO: Set a error_handler for ERRMAXREQSIZE instead of dropping client
     *       connection, explicitly returning an informative error code to the
     *       client connected.
    if (bytes == -ERRCLIENTDC || bytes == -ERRMAXREQSIZE)
        goto exit;

     * If a not correct packet received, we must free the buffer and reset the
     * handler to the request again, setting EPOLL to EPOLLIN
    if (bytes == -ERRPACKETERR)
        goto errdc;

     * Unpack received bytes into a mqtt_packet structure and execute the
     * correct handler based on the type of the operation.
    union mqtt_packet packet;
    unpack_mqtt_packet(buffer, &packet);
    union mqtt_header hdr = { .byte = command };

    /* Execute command callback */
    int rc = handlers[hdr.bits.type](cb, &packet);
    if (rc == REARM_W) {
        cb->call = on_write;

         * Reset handler to read_handler in order to read new incoming data and
         * EPOLL event for read fds
        evloop_rearm_callback_write(loop, cb);
    } else if (rc == REARM_R) {
        cb->call = on_read;
        evloop_rearm_callback_read(loop, cb);
    // Disconnect packet received
    sol_error("Dropping client");
    shutdown(cb->fd, 0);
    hashtable_del(sol.clients, ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id);
    hashtable_del(sol.closures, cb->closure_id);

static void on_write(struct evloop *loop, void *arg) {
    struct closure *cb = arg;
    ssize_t sent;
    if ((sent = send_bytes(cb->fd, cb->payload->data, cb->payload->size)) < 0)
        sol_error("Error writing on socket to client %s: %s",
                  ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id, strerror(errno));

    // Update information stats
    info.bytes_sent += sent;
    cb->payload = NULL;

     * Re-arm callback by setting EPOLL event on EPOLLIN to read fds and
     * re-assigning the callback `on_read` for the next event
    cb->call = on_read;
    evloop_rearm_callback_read(loop, cb);

Another 3 static functions added, as shown, there’s a recv_packet function that like foretold by his name, have the duty of receiving streams of bytes till a full MQTT packet is built, relying on functions from mqtt module, the other two are respectively on_read and on_write.

To be noted that, these 3 callbacks, rearm the socket using previously defined helpers bouncing the ball on each others. on_read callback specifically, based upon a return code from the call of an handler (chosen in turn to the type of command received from the client on the line int rc = handlers[hdr.bits.type](cb, &packet)), rearm the socket for read or write or not at all. This last case will cover disconnections for errors and legitimate DISCONNECT packets.

On the write callback we see that the send_bytes call pass in a payload with data and size as fields; it’s a convenient structure I defined to make it simpler to track number of bytes on an array, this case to know how many bytes to write out. We have to edit the src/pack.h and src/pack.c to add these utilities.


 * bytestring structure, provides a convenient way of handling byte string data.
 * It is essentially an unsigned char pointer that track the position of the
 * last written byte and the total size of the bystestring
struct bytestring {
    size_t size;
    size_t last;
    unsigned char *data;

 * const struct bytestring constructor, it require a size cause we use a bounded
 * bytestring, e.g. no resize over a defined size
struct bytestring *bytestring_create(size_t);
void bytestring_init(struct bytestring *, size_t);
void bytestring_release(struct bytestring *);
void bytestring_reset(struct bytestring *);

And their trivial implementation


struct bytestring *bytestring_create(size_t len) {
    struct bytestring *bstring = malloc(sizeof(*bstring));
    bytestring_init(bstring, len);
    return bstring;

void bytestring_init(struct bytestring *bstring, size_t size) {
    if (!bstring)
    bstring->size = size;
    bstring->data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * size);

void bytestring_release(struct bytestring *bstring) {
    if (!bstring)

void bytestring_reset(struct bytestring *bstring) {
    if (!bstring)
    bstring->last = 0;
    memset(bstring->data, 0, bstring->size);

Generic utilities

Let’s open a brief parenthesis, from my experience, generally there’s always need for generic helpers and utility functions, I usually collect them into a dedicated util module; that’s the case for calls like sol_info, sol_debug and sol_error on those chunks of code previously analyzed.

Our logging requirements is so simple that there’s no need for a dedicated module yet, so I generally add those logging functions to the util module.


#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define UUID_LEN     37  // 36 + nul char
#define MAX_LOG_SIZE 119


int number_len(size_t);
int parse_int(const char *);
int generate_uuid(char *);
char *remove_occur(char *, char) ;
char *append_string(char *, char *, size_t);

/* Logging */
void sol_log_init(const char *);
void sol_log_close(void);
void sol_log(int, const char *, ...);

#define log(...) sol_log( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define sol_debug(...) log(DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sol_warning(...) log(WARNING, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sol_error(...) log(ERROR, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sol_info(...) log(INFORMATION, __VA_ARGS__)

#define STREQ(s1, s2, len) strncasecmp(s1, s2, len) == 0 ? true : false


And here we go, a log function with some macros to conveniently call the correct level of logging, with an additional utility macro STREQ to compare two strings.


Includes are omitted for brevity.

// -- Omitted includes

static FILE *fh = NULL;

void sol_log_init(const char *file) {
    fh = fopen(file, "a+");
    if (!fh)
        printf("%lu * WARNING: Unable to open file %s\n",
               (unsigned long) time(NULL), file);

void sol_log_close(void) {
    if (fh) {

void sol_log(int level, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    char msg[MAX_LOG_SIZE + 4];
    if (level < conf->loglevel)
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap);

    /* Truncate message too long and copy 3 bytes to make space for 3 dots */
    memcpy(msg + MAX_LOG_SIZE, "...", 3);
    msg[MAX_LOG_SIZE + 3] = '\0';

    // Distinguish message level prefix
    const char *mark = "#i*!";

    // Open two handler, one for standard output and a second for the
    // persistent log file
    FILE *fp = stdout;
    if (!fp)
    fprintf(fp, "%lu %c %s\n", (unsigned long) time(NULL), mark[level], msg);
    if (fh)
        fprintf(fh, "%lu %c %s\n", (unsigned long) time(NULL), mark[level], msg);
    if (fh)

 * Return the 'length' of a positive number, as the number of chars it would
 * take in a string
int number_len(size_t number) {
    int len = 1;
    while (number) {
        number /= 10;
    return len;

/* Parse the integer part of a string, by effectively iterate through it and
   converting the numbers found */
int parse_int(const char *string) {
    int n = 0;
    while (*string && isdigit(*string)) {
        n = (n * 10) + (*string - '0');
    return n;

char *remove_occur(char *str, char c) {
    char *p = str;
    char *pp = str;
    while (*p) {
        *pp = *p++;
        pp += (*pp != c);
    *pp = '\0';
    return str;

 * Append a string to another, the destination string must be NUL-terminated
 * and long enough to contain the resulting string, for the chunk part that
 * will be appended the function require the length, the resulting string will
 * be heap alloced and nul-terminated.
char *append_string(char *src, char *chunk, size_t chunklen) {
    size_t srclen = strlen(src);
    char *ret = malloc(srclen + chunklen + 1);
    memcpy(ret, src, srclen);
    memcpy(ret + srclen, chunk, chunklen);
    ret[srclen + chunklen] = '\0';
    return ret;

int generate_uuid(char *uuid_placeholder) {

    /* Generate random uuid */
    uuid_t binuuid;
    uuid_unparse(binuuid, uuid_placeholder);

    return 0;

These simple functions allow us to have a pretty decent logging system, by calling sol_log_init on the main function we can also persist logs on disk by passing a path on the filesystem.

We finally arrive to write our start_server function, which uses all other functions already defined. Basically it acts as an entry point, setting up all global structures and the first closure for accepting incoming connections.


 * Statistics topics, published every N seconds defined by configuration
 * interval
#define SYS_TOPICS 14

static const char *sys_topics[SYS_TOPICS] = {

static void run(struct evloop *loop) {
    if (evloop_wait(loop) < 0) {
        sol_error("Event loop exited unexpectedly: %s", strerror(loop->status));

 * Cleanup function to be passed in as destructor to the Hashtable for
 * connecting clients
static int client_destructor(struct hashtable_entry *entry) {
    if (!entry)
        return -1;
    struct sol_client *client = entry->val;
    if (client->client_id)
    return 0;

 * Cleanup function to be passed in as destructor to the Hashtable for
 * registered closures.
static int closure_destructor(struct hashtable_entry *entry) {
    if (!entry)
        return -1;
    struct closure *closure = entry->val;
    if (closure->payload)
    return 0;

int start_server(const char *addr, const char *port) {
    /* Initialize global Sol instance */
    sol.clients = hashtable_create(client_destructor);
    sol.closures = hashtable_create(closure_destructor);

    struct closure server_closure;

    /* Initialize the sockets, first the server one */
    server_closure.fd = make_listen(addr, port, conf->socket_family);
    server_closure.payload = NULL;
    server_closure.args = &server_closure; = on_accept;

    /* Generate stats topics */
    for (int i = 0; i < SYS_TOPICS; i++)
        sol_topic_put(&sol, topic_create(strdup(sys_topics[i])));
    struct evloop *event_loop = evloop_create(EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, EPOLL_TIMEOUT);

    /* Set socket in EPOLLIN flag mode, ready to read data */
    evloop_add_callback(event_loop, &server_closure);

    /* Add periodic task for publishing stats on SYS topics */
    // TODO Implement
    struct closure sys_closure = {
        .fd = 0,
        .payload = NULL,
        .args = &sys_closure,
        .call = publish_stats

    /* Schedule as periodic task to be executed every 5 seconds */
    evloop_add_periodic_task(event_loop, conf->stats_pub_interval,
                             0, &sys_closure);
    sol_info("Server start");
    info.start_time = time(NULL);
    sol_info("Sol v%s exiting", VERSION);
    return 0;

Ok, we have now a (almost) fully functioning server that uses our toy-ish callback system to handle traffic. Let’s add some additional code to the server header, like that info structure and a global structure named sol on the source .c, we’ll be back on that soon.


/* Global information statistics structure */
struct sol_info {
    /* Number of clients currently connected */
    int nclients;
    /* Total number of clients connected since the start */
    int nconnections;
    /* Timestamp of the start time */
    long long start_time;
    /* Total number of bytes received */
    long long bytes_recv;
    /* Total number of bytes sent out */
    long long bytes_sent;
    /* Total number of sent messages */
    long long messages_sent;
    /* Total number of received messages */
    long long messages_recv;

This is directly linked to the periodic task added in the start_server function.

/* Add periodic task for publishing stats on SYS topics */
// TODO Implement
struct closure sys_closure = {
    .fd = 0,
    .payload = NULL,
    .args = &sys_closure,
    .call = publish_stats


/* Schedule as periodic task to be executed every N seconds */
evloop_add_periodic_task(event_loop, conf->stats_pub_interval,
                         0, &sys_closure);

The publish_stats callback is called periodically every N seconds where N is defined on a configuration global pointer that we’re going to implement soon.

But let’s add the callback first:


static void publish_message(unsigned short pkt_id,
                            unsigned short topiclen,
                            const char *topic,
                            unsigned short payloadlen,
                            unsigned char *payload) {

    /* Retrieve the Topic structure from the global map, exit if not found */
    struct topic *t = sol_topic_get(&sol, topic);
    if (!t)

    /* Build MQTT packet with command PUBLISH */
    union mqtt_packet pkt;
    struct mqtt_publish *p = mqtt_packet_publish(PUBLISH_BYTE,
                                                 (unsigned char *) topic,
    pkt.publish = *p;
    size_t len;
    unsigned char *packed;

    /* Send payload through TCP to all subscribed clients of the topic */
    struct list_node *cur = t->subscribers->head;
    size_t sent = 0L;
    for (; cur; cur = cur->next) {
        sol_debug("Sending PUBLISH (d%i, q%u, r%i, m%u, %s, ... (%i bytes))",
        len = MQTT_HEADER_LEN + sizeof(uint16_t) +
            pkt.publish.topiclen + pkt.publish.payloadlen;
        struct subscriber *sub = cur->data;
        struct sol_client *sc = sub->client;

        /* Update QoS according to subscriber's one */
        pkt.publish.header.bits.qos = sub->qos;
        if (pkt.publish.header.bits.qos > AT_MOST_ONCE)
            len += sizeof(uint16_t);
        int remaininglen_offset = 0;
        if ((len - 1) > 0x200000)
            remaininglen_offset = 3;
        else if ((len - 1) > 0x4000)
            remaininglen_offset = 2;
        else if ((len - 1) > 0x80)
            remaininglen_offset = 1;
        len += remaininglen_offset;
        packed = pack_mqtt_packet(&pkt, PUBLISH);
        if ((sent = send_bytes(sc->fd, packed, len)) < 0)
            sol_error("Error publishing to %s: %s",
                      sc->client_id, strerror(errno));

        // Update information stats
        info.bytes_sent += sent;

 * Publish statistics periodic task, it will be called once every N config
 * defined seconds, it publish some information on predefined topics
static void publish_stats(struct evloop *loop, void *args) {
    char cclients[number_len(info.nclients) + 1];
    sprintf(cclients, "%d", info.nclients);
    char bsent[number_len(info.bytes_sent) + 1];
    sprintf(bsent, "%lld", info.bytes_sent);
    char msent[number_len(info.messages_sent) + 1];
    sprintf(msent, "%lld", info.messages_sent);
    char mrecv[number_len(info.messages_recv) + 1];
    sprintf(mrecv, "%lld", info.messages_recv);
    long long uptime = time(NULL) - info.start_time;
    char utime[number_len(uptime) + 1];
    sprintf(utime, "%lld", uptime);
    double sol_uptime = (double)(time(NULL) - info.start_time) / SOL_SECONDS;
    char sutime[16];
    sprintf(sutime, "%.4f", sol_uptime);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[5]), sys_topics[5],
                    strlen(utime), (unsigned char *) &utime);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[6]), sys_topics[6],
                    strlen(sutime), (unsigned char *) &sutime);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[7]), sys_topics[7],
                    strlen(cclients), (unsigned char *) &cclients);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[9]), sys_topics[9],
                    strlen(bsent), (unsigned char *) &bsent);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[11]), sys_topics[11],
                    strlen(msent), (unsigned char *) &msent);
    publish_message(0, strlen(sys_topics[12]), sys_topics[12],
                    strlen(mrecv), (unsigned char *) &mrecv);

Ok now we have our first periodic callback, it publishes general information on the status of the broker to a set of topics called $SYS topics, that we called instead $SOL topics breaking the standards in a blink of an eye. These information could be added incrementally in the future.


 * General information of the broker, all fields will be published
 * periodically to internal topics
static struct sol_info info;

/* Broker global instance, contains the topic trie and the clients hashtable */
static struct sol sol;

There are still some parts that we have to write in order to have this piece of code to compile and work, for example, what is that closure_destructor function? What about that info structure that we update in on_write and on_read? We can see that those have to do with some calls to hashtable_* and sol_topic_*, which will be plugged-in soon.

Let’s move forward to part 4, we’ll start implementing some handlers for every MQTT command.

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